About Us and the Pink Elephant in the Room
AnnuitySeeker.com is an online service dedicated to connecting people and investors are are concerned about the safety and guarantees of their money. For those who are interested in Annuity products our goal is to provide independent and unbiased product information.
We offer education on Annuity products, opinion on Annuity investing strategies, and the opportunity to speak to a licensed Annuity advisor over the phone or in person.
We work with a nationwide network of licensed independent Annuity advisors.
Because our network is not tied to one insurance company’s product, we can provide our customers with information on all the best Annuity products available. No one insurance company has the best products in all Annuity categories, so working with independent agents will provide you the best and safest choices.

The Pink Elephant in the Room
We should talk about the Pink Elephant in the room. We know it is there and it makes no sense to ignore its looming presence as though it is not. What is the Pink Elephant in the Room? Allow us to explain.
The Pink Elephant in the room is the scary unknown of doing business with entities you’ve connected with through the Internet. If you’re like us, doing business with a vendor through the Internet is a bit scary. You don’t know us and you don’t know if we can be trusted. It is the Pink Elephant in the room. We know it’s there for you and we should not ignore it. We should discuss it openly and frankly.
It is a daunting prospect of trusting an Internet company that you do not even know. We are just like you, and when we conduct business through the Internet, we face the same frightening challenges as do you. You probably are asking yourself these questions.
Who are they?
Are they honest?
Can they be trusted and operate with integrity?
Is this legitimate?
Let’s see if this dilemma strikes a chord. You’re searching through the Internet seeking to gain information about Annuities. Now, via the internet, you are going to talk with someone that you do not know, about a financial subject that you possibly know very little, with your hard-earned retirement money that you cannot afford to lose, possibly buy an annuity product with an insurance company that is possible you have never heard of! We are betting all of that sounds right on target for you, right? As we said earlier, it’s daunting for you and, we understand!
Therefore, to ease your concerns, when you contact an AnnuitySeeker advisor, here is what they will do for you. They are going to:
Produce their full credentials
Provide a copy of their State License than gives them the ability to provide an Annuity to you. Further investigation will show any past derogatory issues
Provide certifications like the Better Business Bureau and/or the National Ethics Association
At your request provide a list of client references that you can contact
Conduct themselves in a consultative professional manner and absolutely no high sales pressure
We promise that the advisors will conduct themselves will full honesty with the highest characteristics of integrity and ethical principles. Our advisors will never be dishonest or lie by omission leaving out vital information that would adversely affect your decision to purchase an Annuity product. If our advisors cannot present the information in a 100% honest and ethical fashion, we prefer to NOT have your business.

Integrity and trust is doing the right thing when no one is looking. If a breach of those principles ever occur with AnnuitySeeker.com we will consider that a failure and it will be addressed immediately. You have our solemn word on that.
Once again, we understand your position. We promise full transparency from our advisors. If an advisor presents himself or herself in any way other than professional, I am going to ask you to contact me on my personal email and alert me to any problems. I sincerely want to hear about it, and I can be reached at mjohnson@annuityseeker.com. We demand the highest ethical principles with everyone associated with AnnuitySeeker.com.
Learn More
- 10 Reasons Why Annuities Are Popular
- Annuity Calculators and Best Annuity Rates
- Annuity Videos
- Biggest Fears About Annuities
- Fixed & Variable Annuities Explained
- Fixed Annuities Disadvantages
- Fixed Index Annuities Explained
- Guide to Fixed Annuities
- How Does The Interest Calculation In Fixed Index Annuities Work
- How Fixed Index Annuities Compare To Other Financial Products
- Immediate & Deferred Annuities Explained
- Industry Opinions
- Is An Annuity Right For Me?
- Liquidity And Access To Your Money
- Popularity of Annuities
- Pros and Cons of An Annuity
- Tax Free Retirement Payments
- What is an Annuity Surrender Charge?
- What is an Annuity? How Do Annuities Work?
- What to Expect In Your First Meeting With Your Annuity Sales Advisor
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